Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Why Microsoft Wants Yahoo! Badly

I know, these isn't remotely connected to my blog's title, but I just had to talk about this latest development from Redmond, Washinton. I feel the world is going through some seismic changes and I just had to contribute my two cents worth. As I have said earlier, the Net and the Worldwide Web is the is THE PLACE to be nowadays and in the future. Nowhere have I seen the power of ethernet, broadband, DSL and dial-up than right here in blogger's world. I have witnessed how one man's voice can reach thousand and even millions at the click of a mouse. More and more people are getting hooked up to the Internet and these more and more people are depending more and more on it to do their daily activities. Shopping, mail, research, finding professional services, sourcing jobs, outsourcing jobs, networking, reading the daily paper which is now online, downloading music, downloading videos, video conferencing, booking hotels, booking flights are but only a few in an endless list of uses that the Net has provided. Businessmen have taken notice and advertisers as well. Nary a big store or establishment will you find that does not have a website. The power of the Internet is one that is not yet fully tapped and woe to the IT company that does not realize this. Which now bring us the answer to the title of this post.

Post-Bill Gates Microsoft still retains the far-off vision of its founder, and is very much aware of what the future brings. It knows that to remain at the top of the game as well as be relevant in the techno world, it needs to adjust and adapt. What it is about Yahoo! that has brought about the $40 billion dollar offer? Simple. It's network and search engine. All who goes on the Internet makes use of the search engine. This is the software gadget that finds whatever you are looking for on the Net based on the key words that you type into the search box. A list of all the websites or URL's that contains these keywords then appear on your screen ranked according to a criteria or software developed by the search engines owners. And how do the search engines do this? They crawl through all accessible websites for texts it might have that contain the key words. This is how it works. Let's say an internet surfer wants to install a new kitchen cabinet. He types in "kitchen cabinet" in the search box and clicks. In nanoseconds, a list appears of websites containing the word "kitchen cabinet". Imagine how much a company would give and do just to appear on the top of the first page of that list. And that is just one side of the story. I have not talked here yet of placements on URL's for ads.

Whew! That is quite a mouthful for a non-techie like me to say.

It is these resources of Yahoo! that has Microsoft salivating and so far Yahoo! is not biting. So you see now why I do persist in making posts that hopefully will gain more readership, apart of course from the high and fulfillment of a piece I could be proud of brings? We have to take a ride on the new wave of the future and that future is in the Net.

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