Tuesday, August 12, 2008

The Pasaway Landlord

Let me digress dear readers and allow me to violate my own rule of writing down here only everything waray. I'm going to take the advise of a dear doctor/psychiatrist in the States quoted in an article of the February 2008 issue of Cosmopolitan Magazine Philippne edition. She said blog down your thoughts, angst and what-have-you to lessen your worries and anxieties...I can't recall the rest, but the gist was blogging your thoughts on an anonymous site helps a lot emotionally and psychologically. The quoted Dr. "Feel-Good" from the States suggested anonymous so you could be free to write down anything without worrying about libel and such. I still like to think that my true identity is still a mystery to most of evryone out there so I guess this applies.

So here I am writing down my thoughts on my landlord who gave me a a hell of a hard time when I decided to terminate my lease and transfer residences. I won't bore you with the details as to why I did so. Neither will i tell you why I chose not stay, I don't want to discourage any future lessees of hers (ooops!). But let me tell how my landlord took it and what she did next. I fully well know that I am allowed to consume my two months advance and declared my intentions to her. But, guess what she said? No,no,no, she said, I still got to pay another month's rent cause she was retaining my deposit for my electricity bill. As if I was moving to Timbuktu and she could not reach me by the time the bill came. But good-natured that I was, I came up with a win-win solution, I gave her a check equivalent to the latest month bill, postdated to the day we would be leaving. But the die was cast and an amiable lessor-lessee relationship was strained, at least on my part. HOw could she think I would not honor my obligations when in all the years I have lived in her house I was always on time in giving the rent? But that is only part of the story. What takes the cake is when the day to move came. We started taking out our things as early as two days before deadline, and left the house a day prior. We, however, left some super heavy stuff like the refrigerator that we would be picking up later as soon as we found storage space. Ms. Landlord however, was in a real hurry to get us out of the house pronto. On Saturday, when we still had a day left on our lease, she demanded the keys. I requested an extension up to Wednesday or exactly three days as we still was looking for a place to put the rest of our things as it could not fit yet where we had moved into. Well, for reasons known only to her (it couldn't have been for financial needs as she was more than loaded from remittances abroad of her hubby) she kept on texting me day in and day out to return the keys. At my tether's end, I agreed to give it to her, sublty adding in my message what could happen if anything occured in the house and our ref and other appliances we left there would be lost. Wonders of wonders, she fnally got it. She texted that she wanted us to get our things first before we returned the keys, no deadline mentioned. For crying out loud, we or our things have only been overstaying for exactly 48 hours!!! after our lease, fully paid for with no arrearages and the utilities paid for by check, expired. Grrrr. Its people like thes who ruin my day and increase my wrinkles. Oh, how I would love to mention her name or at least the office from where she works (there being no libelous item in this post, I checked it out) but nagingibabaw pa rin ang asal ng mama ko (my mother's moral upbringing still prevails) and much as I'm truly vexed, I have no desire to ruin a person's reputation no matter how much she has ruined my day. Well, what do you think? Should I or shouldn't I?



I enjoy reading your blog, you should continue to nourish this talent. As for your question, my two cents worth would say 'let it be" offer this sacrifice to the lord. Hiya na la an bahala.
Best regards.

Waray in the City said...

To onewaybike

THanks a lot for your "go-go-go" comment. Your right. I never intended to have this post do anything than be a "sound board". She (pasaway)has her reasons that only she understands. And this blog has an unwritten policy, nothing destructive shall come out of its pages. Once again,much thanks.

Anonymous said...

can you please giv me the name and address of this landlord. where is her house located? its because of people like her that our sense of being filipinos are slowly going to the dogs. i bet she has had rigid toilet training back in her (i presume shes a she, judging from her acts) toddler years..

for gods sake, if i were in your shoes, i would truly be vexed and i would seriously intend to do something about it. whew!

Waray in the City said...

to soybean:

I'm almost tempted, but then again my Christian heart has forgiven her already. I've taken onewaybike's advise, no use adding to my wrinkles on her account.
Anyway, thanks for the return visit...Hope to hear from you again soon